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 What To Do if You Get Hit by a Drunk Driver This Holiday Season

Holidays are a time for family and celebration. Unfortunately, it has also become a time for drunk driving accidents. It is no surprise that the happy, festive atmosphere often leads to excessive alcohol consumption — resulting in more impaired drivers and drunk driving accidents.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drunk driving accidents increase during the holidays each year. In 2020, the NHTSA recorded 209 drunk-driving fatalities during Christmas and New Year weeks — all of which were preventable. Thanksgiving is another high-risk holiday week for drunk driving accidents, with the risk of DUI crash fatalities going up 56% on the day itself.

Steps To Take After Getting Hit by a Drunk Driver

Staying calm and acting quickly are equally important following a DUI accident during the holidays — not just for your safety and medical needs, but also for future legal proceedings. If you find yourself in such an unfortunate situation, here are steps you should take.

Remain Calm and Ensure Safety

Prioritize safety above all else — both yours and your passengers, if any. Remain calm and move to a safe location if you can, staying away from the accident scene to avoid further harm.

Call for Emergency Assistance

Call 911 immediately to report the accident and request medical assistance. This applies even for seemingly minor accidents. If you suspect the other driver is driving under the influence (DUI), make sure to inform the authorities when you call. This will help ensure a swift response from law enforcement and medical personnel.

Collect Evidence

If you can safely move, start gathering pertinent information. This includes the drunk driver’s name, contact details, and insurance information. If possible, collect witness statements and use your phone to take photographs of the accident scene and any visible injuries you sustained.

Seek Medical Attention

Even if you think your injuries are minor, it’s crucial to seek medical attention. Some injuries may not manifest immediately. Moreover, undergoing a medical examination can provide an accurate record of your condition, which you may need for legal proceedings or for insurance claims.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer

It is critical to call a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Seeking immediate legal aid will help you if you decide to file a civil or criminal lawsuit. Even if you decide not to pursue legal action, an experienced Frederick personal injury lawyer can assist you in filing insurance claims.

Consult a Trusted Frederick Personal Injury Lawyer

Being well-prepared and having a clear understanding of the necessary steps to take in the event of getting hit by a drunk driver this holiday season is crucial. Should you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, do not hesitate to consult a Frederick personal injury lawyer.

As a DUI accident victim, you have the legal right to sue the drunk driver responsible. You can pursue a civil lawsuit for damages in addition to criminal charges they may face. These damages can be compensation for medical bills, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, and more.

A reliable Frederick personal injury lawyer can assess the viability of your case against the drunk driver and guide you in seeking the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages.

The LewisMcDaniels team will serve as your advocate in pursuing the justice and rightful compensation you deserve if you get hit by a drunk driver this holiday season. Call us at 301-818-0405 today.

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